Category: Editorials
How Tower of Fantasy Players Can Prepare For the Artificial Island’s Raids
Tower of Fantasy’s global version launched last month and it looks like developer Hotta Games is speeding things up when it comes to releasing content for the game. With the Artificial Island update last week, Kanishka lays out how players can prep to …
LotRO’s ‘Salt Water’ Tease For Next Year’s Expansion Has Me Hoping For The Grey Havens
Last Friday during a Q&A with Lord of the Rings Online executive producer Rob "Severlin" Ciccolini, we got a tease of next year’s fall expansion. The ‘smell of salt water’ has Bradford really interested in where LotRO could go here, possi…
Deathloop Xbox Series X Impressions: Sending Xbox Through A Loop
The previously PlayStation-exclusive shooter comes to Xbox Game Pass today, but how does it hold up?
Temtem Review In Progress
Temtem released earlier this month, bringing its multiplayer focus to the Pokemon formula. But how does it stack up thus far? Scott takes a look in his review in progress of Temtem.
Why Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds Failed to Bring Back the Studio Ghibli Charm
When Ni No Kuni Cross Worlds was first announced, a lot of players were excited to try out the new mobile MMO. But it soon became clear that it just wasn’t the same as the original games that inspired it. Kanishka explores why that might be, and why Cr…
Temtem Really Nails That Early Pokemon Experience In The Best Way Possible
Temtem released into 1.0 earlier this month, and while we’ve been working on our review since, Bradford has also dipped his toes into the world of creature collecting. And, thankfully, it’s bringing back some of the best memories he had playing the ori…
Disney Dreamlight Valley Takes Animal Crossing To The Magic Kingdom
Jason takes the latest Animal Crossing-like title, Disney Dreamlight Valley, which according to him, has no right to be as good as it is in the end.
EVE Online’s Uprising Expansion Feels Like A Step In The Right Direction
EVE Online has felt at a bit of a crossroads these last few years. However, as CCP Games gears up to launch its first narrative expansion in what feels like forever, Bradford is optimistic at what the Icelandic developer is bringing to the table for ca…
MMORPG Saturation or Unmet Expectations: Which is the Reason for the Quick Decline in New Game Population?
Why do new games drop in population so quickly after launch? Is it that the games themselves just don’t meet expectations, or are there just too many MMORPGs to play these days? Steven provides his thoughts on the subject.
Revisiting Guild Wars 2 – Jumping Back Into Tyria After So Long An Absence
Lowry details what it’s like to jump back into ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 after so long an absence.