Category: Interviews
The Minds Behind the Elder God Wars: An Interview with RuneScape’s Tim Fletcher and Matt Casey
This month Emily had the opportunity of sitting down with Tim Fletcher and Matt Casey from Jagex to talk a little bit about the Elder God Wars, a story that has been taking shape over the past 12 months for RuneScape adventurers. Check out this ‘realit…
Interview: Talking Star Trek Online With Senior Game Designer Jesse Heinig
Star Trek Online has hummed along now for over a decade, bringing players to space and allowing them to explore strange new worlds. But what’s it like to create those worlds, especially in the broader universe that Star Trek Online inhabits? We spoke t…
PAX East 2022: Interview With Black Desert Online’s Executive Producer Jaehee Kim
At PAX East, Anthony had the chance to meet up with Black Desert Online Executive Producer Jaehee Kim and talk all things Mountain of Eternal Winter and the recent Drakania class.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic Round Table Interview
Earlier this week, the future of both retail and Classic WoW was revealed. We had the chance to sit down with the World of Warcraft team to chat Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
World of Warcraft Dragonflight Interview – Talking Dragons, Flying and More
Following the reveal of the new Dragonflight expansion, I had the opportunity to discuss some topics further with Associate Art Director Tina Wang and Senior Game Designer (Content) Jackie Wiley. We delved into many different topics, from what we’ll ex…
Not So MMO: Space Punks Open Beta Developer Interview
Space Punks just dropped the news that this vibrant online looter shooter is about to plunge into open beta, and on 20 April, players will be able to enter the void and try out Flying Wild Hog’s latest adventure. We sat down with Lead Game Designer Bar…
Interview: Creator Of Ultima Online’s Next MMO Leverages Blockchain and NFTs To Allow For Real Ownership Of The World
Ultima creator Richard Garriott has teamed up again with veteran game designer Todd Porter to launch a new MMO inspired by Ultima, but leveraging new technology like blockchains and NFTs. The concept? What if you could own land in Ultima? We sat down a…
Godfall Interview: Talking Post Launch Challenges With Game Director Daniel Nordlander
When games launch with issues, oftentimes fans dismiss the developer’s efforts as lazy, half-assed or a cash grab. But development is so much more complex than it seems on the surface. We spoke to Godfall’s Game Director, Daniel Nordlander, about these…
Guest Interview Part 2: Talking Embers Adrift With Stormhaven Studios
Here is part two of the English translation of the interview with Stormhaven Studios by our friends and colleagues over at
Guest Interview: Talking Embers Adrift With Stormhaven Studios
We’re proud to host the English-language interview of Stormhaven Studios by our incredible and brave colleagues at Check out their interview with John Gust and the team behind Embers Adrift in part one of the interview series.