Category: Interviews
EVE Online Talks Eighteen Years, Its Foundation And The Humbling Nature Of Working On New Eden
Eighteen years is a long time for anything, especially an ongoing video game like EVE Online. In a genre where many games come and go before even reaching four or five years, EVE has weathered the test of time. We sat down with EVE’s Creative Director …
Interview: Naoki Yoshida On Island Sanctuary, the Free Trial, Linkpearls and More in Final Fantasy 14
FFXIV’s director chats with about some of the game’s current and upcoming features.
Zenith: The Last City – An Interview With RamenVR’s Andy Tsen About The Upcoming VR MMO
Zenith: The Last City, a VR MMO by developer RamenVR, is heading into Alpha next month. As one of only a few VR MMOs currently in development, Zenith may appeal to the fans of existing MMORPGs looking for a certain aesthetic. Kevin had the chance to as…
DC Universe Online: Jack Emmert On Episode 40 – World Of Flashpoint
Last week, Dimensional Ink Games released their latest episode, World of Flashpoint, free for all players for the first time. We sat down with CEO Jack Emeert on the latest episode and more in the world of DCUO.
Defendants in Chronicles of Elyria Lawsuit Deciding Whether to Challenge Complaint
It’s been a minute since the previous update in the ongoing lawsuit regarding Chronicles of Elyria developers Soulbound Studios, Xsolla, and consumers. Just yesterday, however, an update was posted in the lawsuit’s Discord channel notifying us of the n…
World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic’s Beta Level Cap Is Now Increased To 70, Opening Up Heroic Dungeons For Testing
The World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic’s beta is ongoing and players can now start to level their toons up to 70, opening up even more content to test before the expansion launches fully later this year.
A Year In, How MMO Developers Maintained Their Game Worlds During The Global Pandemic
We’re a year into this pandemic now and the gaming industry has been affected in ways that it likely will see it changed forever. However, maintaining an MMO, something that is always expected to be online and polished, is tricky from an office, even m…
These Are Your April Events for TERA
The April events for TERA were announced recently. Here’s what you can look forward to in the next month.
Solasta: Crown Of The Magister – Checking Out The Dungeon Maker With The Dev Team
Robin had the opportunity to check out the upcoming Dungeon Maker in Solasta: Crown of the Magister with the game’s CEO, Marketing Director and Communite Manager. Check out her thoughts from the talk and a bit more about the dungeon maker coming to the…
Blade & Soul: Revolution Interview – Development Lead Hyung Jin Jang Talks Combat and Game Design
Blade & Soul: Revolution released globally this year on March 4th, slated to launch with a full cinematic story, robust combat, and five exciting classes. We had the opportunity to ask Mr. Hyun Jin Jang, the Development Lead at Netmarble F&C, a…