Category: Interviews
Interview: Talking Neverwinter’s Sharandar Episode 2 ‘The Soul Keeper’ With Senior Game Designer Noah Holmes
Neverwinter is set to release Sharandar’s second episode: The Soul Keeper soon, and with it comes a new Heroic Encounter named Waking Nightmares. In this new encounter, players will work together to free trapped adventurers from a swarth of undead befo…
BlizzConline 2021: World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Classic Developer Interview
Robin recently sat down with Executive Producer John Hight and Technical Lead Brian Birmingham for World of Warcraft Classic to talk The Burning Crusade during this year’s Blizzcon.
World Records, Arms Race And Cinematics – An Interview With EVE Online’s Creative Director And Brand Manager
This year, CCP has seen more world records added to their shelf as the MMO developer’s playerbase keeps pushing EVE Online to new heights. We sat down with CCP’s Creative Director, Bergur Finnbogasson and Brand Director Sæmundur Hermansson to talk abou…
BlizzConline 2021: World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Developer Interview
Robin had a chance to go on the record with Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas and Ely Cannon this weekend during BlizzConline, talking Kothria, Torghast, and Anduin’s fate in Shadowlands.
BlizzConline 2021 – Diablo IV Developers Talk Rogue, PVP
Robin sat down this weekend during BlizzConline 2021 to discuss Diablo IV’s new Rogue class, as well as break down the recent panel with Lead Systems Designer Joseph Poepiora and Lead Animator Careen Kingdom.
Companions, Deadlands And Avoiding Formulaic Updates – An Interview With Elder Scrolls Online’s Creative Director
The Elder Scrolls Online is returning to familiar places with this year’s update, but with some new features to go with them. We spoke to Rich Lambert about the companion system, as well as how the team avoids being seen as formulaic now that a release…
RuneScape Patch Improves Ninja Strike
The latest patch for RuneScape looks to improve Ninja Strike and brings several quality of life improvements to boot.
Neverwinter Interview: Talking Sharandar With Lead Designer Randy Mosiondz
On February 9th, the team from Cryptic Studios will release Sharandar, the latest module for their MMORPG Neverwinter. We sat down with Randy Mosiondz, Lead Designer for Neverwinter to learn about the return to the lands of the Iliyanbruen Elves and th…
Recent RuneScape Patch Brings Improvements to Player Owned Farms
The recent RuneScape patch provides updates to player owned farms, along with a few fixes.
Interview – Dimensional Ink Games’ CEO Jack Emmert On 10 Years Of DC Universe Online
Just last week the DC Comics inspired superhero MMO, DC Universe Online (DCUO), celebrated it’s 10-year anniversary! Dimensional Ink Games, the studio behind the development for the game, also kicked off a three weeklong in-game celebration that runs t…