Category: Profane
Profane Devs Release Content Roadmap, Follow Up With More On ‘NFTs’ April Fools’ Joke
The development team at Profane recently released a roadmap that lets you see where they have been progressing. They also followed last week’s NFT wings April Fools’ joke with a statement today.
Profane Shows Off NPCs of the Portinus Culture in Latest Teaser Video
Indie MMORPG Profane is back on track after posting their roadmap last week, detailing the numerous Alpha initiatives the team at INSANE intends to fix before the year is over. With that in mind, the team has posted a new teaser, showing off the outfit…
Profane’s Character Creation Will Reflect the Same Sandbox Freedom
Profane’s character customization options have a new preview, and the team’s philotophy is to offer a lot of flexibility in the process, in fitting with the sandbox design.
Dev Update For Profane Offers a Peek at a Skin Rework and Asks for Player Feedback
The latest dev update for Profane shows off the process of redesigning a skin for the new art direction and asks for player feedback.
Profane Update is All About Skills, With a Video Preview and Ideas for Progression
The latest update from the Profane team shows off a short clip of a casting animation, while getting into some of their plans for skills in the upcoming MMO.
Profane Has Updated Its 2022 Alpha Roadmap, Complete With Progress Bars
Profane, the indie MMORPG in development by studio Insane, has released a new roadmap detailing work to be done in 2022 on the sandbox MMORPG. The roadmap shows quite a bit of work on the horizon, however the team is using progress bars on the map to s…
Profane Devs Showcase Development Progression in a 2021 in Review Video
When it comes to games still in development, reflecting on the year that has passed is a good opportunity to show how far that development has come. This is true for the Profane team, who made a compilation of various video clips and sneak peeks releas…
Take a Look at Profane’s Character Creation Development Progress
The Profane team is back with another update on the game’s development, this time it’s all about character creation.
Profane Dev Team Talks Mind, the Final Promordial Element Influencing the World
Development on Profane continues and there’s a new update regarding the last of the Primordial Elements that underlie the game’s mysterious world. This time around, the focus is on Mind.
Profane MMORPG Team Reveals Plans for the Housing System
In a sandbox MMORPG, being able to build and impact the world matter. Player housing and structures are important to this. The Profane dev team has an update on plans for housing as they move closer to the alpha.