Category: Saga of Lucimia
Saga of Lucimia Is Being Rebranded, Now Called Embers Adrift
The team at Stormhaven Studios have been quiet ever since it was announced that studio founder and Saga of Lucimia IP creator Tim Anderson was no longer involved in the creation of their MMO. However, the team finally revealed what they have been worki…
[Update] Saga of Lucimia Developer Stormhaven Studios Release Statement Addressing Concerns Over Game’s Status
Stormhaven Studios, the developer of Saga of Lucimia, have released a statement regarding the status of the game in the wake of the news that Tim Anderson, the creator of the Lucimia IP and a co-founder of the studio, was no longer involved in the proj…
Saga of Lucimia Developer Stormhaven Studios Release Statement Addressing Concerns Over Game’s Status
Stormhaven Studios, the developer of Saga of Lucimia, have released a statement regarding the status of the game in the wake of the news that Tim Anderson, the creator of the Lucimia IP and a co-founder of the studio, was no longer involved in the proj…
Saga Of Lucimia Creator No Longer Involved In MMORPG’s Development
Saga of Lucimia creator Tim "Renfail" Anderson has stepped away from the creation of the MMORPG that bears the IP he created, according to a post on the developer’s Patreon.
Saga of Lucimia Shares Release 13 Sizzle Reel
If you want a short and sweet video of Saga of Lucimia, the dev team has you covered.
Watch Over Two Hours of Saga of Lucimia in Q&A Live Stream
Want more Saga of Lucimia. Well, you have it.
Impromptu Saga of Lucimia Stream Looks at Stage Three Alpha
In case you missed it, Saga of Lucimia had an impromptu stream this weekend looking at Stage Three Alpha.
[RETRACTION] OPINION: Saga of Lucimia Creative Director’s View of Crunch is Out of Touch
We have retracted this story and vehemently apologize to the Tim and the team over at Stormhaven Studios for any damage this piece might have caused.
OPINION: Saga of Lucimia Creative Director’s View of Crunch is Out of Touch
In our recent interview with Saga of Lucimia Creative Director, Tim Anderson, the topic of crunch was broached. But these comments go back to age-old arguments which carry no water, and are missing the bigger picture entirely. Let?s discuss.
Saga of Lucimia Interview Part 2 – Inspirations And More
In part 2 of our interview with Saga of Lucimia’s creative director, Tim Anderson, the developer chats with us about inspirations for his MMORPG, why group content is a focus and more.