Mortal Kombat X Mobility Technique Improves Kitana’s Keepaway Game

In her last few appearances, Kitana has proven to be a dominating force in the Mortal Kombat’s zoning game, and YOMI Gaming’s Reo has discovered a useful application of a previously discovered technique that considerably improves her keepaway in Mortal Kombat X.

Similar to Injustice’s ‘Harley Shuffle‘ or the ‘Korean backdash‘ used in Tekken, this movement option allows Kitana to boost her backwards walk speed by taking advantage of its initial velocity. As Reo explains, it’s as simple as pressing back, waiting a moment, and pressing back again, though you will need to practice to avoid backdashing.

Kitana’s speed continues to improve with Reo’s ‘level two’ technique, which buffers down taps to raise her mobility even more. The execution is much more strict but the benefits are definitely noticeable.

While not useful for every character in the cast, an older video produced by EGP’s Wonder Chef shows that Reptile can also benefit from the technique.

Comments on Test Your Might reveal that players have been practicing this technique for some time, but the larger exploration by Reo could see it used in high-level competition more often. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Test Your Might



