Unleash the Beast with these Ultra Street Fighter IV Blanka Red Focus Combos

The addition of Ultra Street Fighter IV’s Red Focus mechanic afforded most characters a method to stylishly blow a full super meter without having to resort to actually using supers. In many cases, the combos that resulted from this heavy meter expenditure were rather underwhelming thanks to the way damage scaling works within the Street Fighter IV engine. There were, of course, exceptions to this rule, like Yun, who became even more heavily cemented among the top echelon of cast members thanks to the damage that he gained from proper use of the mechanic.

As Ultra has matured, viable Red Focus technology has started to surface for several more members of the cast. Thanks to players like Nishikin and CCG|Lap Chi, as well as this video from Indo Imran, Blanka now counts himself among the characters harnessing the power of this shiny new mechanic. It seems that the Brazilian fighter can net some pretty impressive numbers by using EX Red Focus cancels off of his Rolling Attack special, Vertical Roll special as well as his standing roundhouse. While some of these options are more practical than others, many of the combos that lead into them can be initiated immediately after performing a hop so Blanka players don’t have to sacrifice shenanigans for the sake of damage output, which is always nice.

Source: Indo Imran



