Zissou Demonstrates Helpful Doctor Doom Option Select in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Doctor Doom’s back throw is one of his most used tools in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, due to how he can easily convert it into a full combo. That said, this also often leaves players vulnerable when they end up whiffing the throw attempt. In their latest tutorial, Zissou demonstrates that Doctor Doom has a safer way to try to land throws – his forward throw.

Unlike the back throw, which either leaves Doom doing a standing H when it whiffs, doing a forward throw means that he gets his Hard Kick command normal instead. This attack is both fast (8 frames) and safe due to Doctor Doom’s ability to dash cancel it on block, leaving him at frame advantage. Meanwhile, on hit, he can dash cancel up-forward to convert into a full combo.

Additionally, whiffing a forward throw attempt in the air makes Doom perform a forward foot dive, instead of his gun. While the latter is an important tool, it’s not really ideal for the ranges where it would come out on throw whiff due to its long, 21-frame start up. With the foot dive, however, Doctor Doom can simply maintain pressure, or even convert into a full combo.

In both of the above cases, Doctor Doom can still also convert into a full combo if he lands the forward throw.

Check out the video below to learn more about the proper application of this option select as well as how to convert it into full combo.

Source: Zissou



