Bingo! Ultra Street Fighter IV’s Cody Breaks Out Some Character-Specific Tactics

Grab your striped jumpsuit and have your buddy deliver a knife to the center of the stage two days in advance (that’s how it gets there, right?), it’s time for another round of Cody character-specific combos from freeno0b. As many Ultra Street Fighter IV combos that stray from the standard, optimized bread and butter selections, some that you’re about to witness have rather limited uses. But that’s okay, Cody has all the time in the world, why not try and turn some heads through the vigorous application of damage scaling?

That’s not to say that there aren’t some pretty devastating and useful options in this footage, like when Cody manages to squeeze in three fierce attacks before moving on to a Criminal Upper against Sakura or the various ways that he’s able to confirm into his Ultra 2. With so many character-specific options, it’s hard to believe Cody when he says he’s bored.

If you missed the first round of character-specific combos from freeno0b, check them out here!

Source: freeno0b



