Xuses Explores Some Lesser-Known Uses for Vergil’s Jumping Light Attack in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

It’s not like Vergil really needs any more tools to help keep him firmly placed among the top characters in the Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 roster, but that hasn’t stopped him from receiving plenty over the life of the game. XusesGB contacted us earlier today with a video showing off a bit of new tech that this son of Sparda borrows from Wolverine, and it stands to possibly change how the character is played in certain matchups.

It turns out that, much like Logan, Vergil is capable of performing a jumping light followed immediately by an X-Factor activation. If the airborne attack hits a grounded opponent, the following X-Factor combo guarantees a kill. However, due to the nature of its hitbox, the tactic can’t be used as an instant overhead against everyone.

In cursory testing, I’ve found this strategy works against crouching opponents with unusually large hurtboxes, like Sentinel, Tron, M.O.D.O.K., Hulk, and Nemesis, but that it also whiffs on plenty of the average and smaller hurtboxes for characters like like Spencer, Wolverine, and even Captain America. These lists are, of course, far from exhaustive, and there are potentially ways to alter the tactic to make it work against the shorter folks.

There are still some situations where this tactic can be used as it currently exists, and there are certainly plenty more to be discovered. To get those thoughts flowing, Xuses has included several sample setups in the video below.

Source: XusesGB



