Triox Serves Up Another Healthy Offering of Feng Shui Engine Combos for Ultra Street Fighter IV’s Juri

Triox has been releasing a wealth of Juri information lately for Ultra Street Fighter IV. Many of his recent videos come in the form of hour-long tutorials that are loaded with all sorts of useful tips and tricks. Today, though, we’ve got a video of his that takes a brief look at some character-specific options available to the villainess.

These combo paths are rather specific, as they all begin require Feng Shui Engine and begin with an overhead, but having combos that begin from that normal as well as a couple of low-hitting attacks is a great way to keep the pressure up once her eye starts to glow. Since this is the first entry in this combo series, the video only covers a handful of the cast, but we are sure to see more in the future.

If you missed out on Triox’ previous tutorials, which cover the transition from Arcade Edition to Ultra, maximizing situations and combo damage, how to approach footsies, and other ways to utilize Feng Shui Engine, follow this link to take a look.

Source: Triox



