Alpharad Shares Some Hilarious Strategies for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U’s Kid Icarus Reps

Alpharad is back with another Super Smash Bros. for Wii U 101 video, this time focusing on the three characters that hail from the Kid Icarus series: Pit, Dark Pit, and Palutena. Since there is a strong central theme binding these three characters, it would be a crime to create a video like this without an abundance of nods to the source material, and Alpharad doesn’t disappoint.

Aside from their distinct comic stylings, this video features plenty of stylish kills, a windbox kill or two, and even shows the creator of the video himself getting a taste of Mario’s cape, resulting in a heartfelt, slow motion moment that may very well bring a tear to your eye.

In keeping with tradition, this video is positively loaded with NSFW language, but don’t worry, it’s all in good fun.

Source: Alpharad



