Be the Best Poison You Can Be with Bafael’s Ultra Street Fighter IV Optimization Tutorial

In his latest character tutorial, Bafael explores how to optimize various situations as Poison in Ultra Street Fighter IV. This guide differs in style from what you’re probably used to seeing, but I think it works just as well if not better than a more standard structure.

In the video, Bafael shows a handful of basic situations and the way that he’s seen plenty of Poison players handle each of them. He then demonstrates different options that net better results, be it due to positioning, damage, meter expenditure, or a combination of other factors. These situations include different anti-air options, new takes on how to combo into her Ultra, and a whole lot more. If you’re looking to step up your Poison, this is a great place to get some ideas.

Bafael has also included a fully-typed description of what’s going on in every scenario given to assist in the learning process.

If you enjoy this style of tutorial video, Bafael has released tons of other content ranging from character tutorials to mechanics breakdowns. Follow this link to check them out!

Source: Bafael



