Beware the Old Lady in Mortal Kombat X’s New Stage Brutalities

Mortal Kombat X recently received a hefty new patch, and while it brought a variety of changes to the cast, two new additions not listed in the official notes are quite…unique.

This new content comes in the form of a pair of brutalities featuring none other than the interactable old lady (lovingly named Blanche by the community) in the Outworld Marketplace stage.

To see these new finishers, players will need to use at least two interactables in the stage during the match and then first, and then use Blanche to finish the opponent off. If performed successfully, she will cause the opposing player to explode when she crashes into them.

You can also give Blanche the satisfaction of actually putting up a fight herself by holding down as you defeat the opponent, which results in the brutality variation seen below.

Good on you, Blanche.

Sources: Test Your Might, MRxGMAN, Emanuel Gonzalez via Polygon



