Brush Up on Frame Traps, Resets, and Other Tools at Vega’s Disposal in Ultra Street Fighter IV

The road to character mastery is long. Things start simple enough with figuring out which buttons do what, how to put those buttons together to score notable damage, and how to go about safely committing to the button sequences without losing half of your health due to drops or poor decision making. However, what comes afterward, like frame traps and resets, separates the particularly good players from the decent players.

Below, you’ll find a video from MaskedNobleman7 that covers the advanced side of what Vega brings to battle in Ultra Street Fighter IV. The first half of the reel is dedicated to frame traps, with varying gaps to allow errant buttons of different speeds just enough room to be stuffed. Afterward, the video goes on to demonstrate some particularly dirty resets and ways to score a cross-up Ultra.

Should you find yourself at a standstill in your Vega training, this tutorial may be your ticket to higher levels of play.

Source: MaskedNobleman7



