Category: Interviews
Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood Campaign Add-on Revealed, Plus New Takedown Revealed
The latest endgame gauntlet for Borderlands 3, called Takedown at the Guardian Beach, launches on June 4, with the latest campaign add-on, called Bounty of Blood: A Fistful of Redemption, is set to launch on June 24.
EVE Echoes Blasts Off With Developer Interview
Recently, Ed had a chance to sit down with Wei Su, Senior Producer at NetEase Games, Shicheng Zhour, Game Designer and Bing Xi, the general manager of CCP Shanghai to discuss EVE Echoes.
Conan Exiles DLC Architects of Argos Released Today
Conan Exiles just received the Architects of Argos DLC today bringing new features and more.
Black Desert Interview – Cross Play And Equalizing Content
We talk to Black Desert Lead Producer Jaehee Kim about bringing cross play to Black Desert Online’s console versions, and the challenges in doing so.
EVE Online – An Interview With the New Community Team
The community team in EVE Online has seen a lot of shake up over the last year. We sat down with the new team to discuss the departures, new faces and what it means for New Eden.
Final Fantasy XIV Interview With Yoshi-P, Yusuke Mogi
Recently we had the chance to talk to Yoshi-P from Final Fantasy XIV about leveling alternate jobs, questing and more in the popular MMORPG. Check out our interview with Naoki Yoshida and Lead Character Concept Artist Yusuke Mogi.
EVE Online Interview – Quadrants And Taking Risks
Developing an MMO isn’t easy, and CCP hasn’t always been the most agile of developers. That’s seemingly changed with its new Quadrant directive. We chat with CCP Burger and S�mundur Hermannsson about developing EVE in this new environment.
RuneScape Archaeology Update Interview with the Developers
March 30th marked one of the largest RuneScape updates in recent years with the addition of its newest skill: Archaeology. We had a chance to talk to Jagex to discuss the new skill and how it fits into RuneScape at large.
Warhammer: Odyssey – Exclusive Interview With Mobile MMORPG Developer
With everyone at home right now the team working on the upcoming Warhammer: Odyssey Mobile MMORPG have taken the time to answer another set of our interview questions. In round 3 of our developer interview James York, co-founder of Virtual Realms, answ…
Warhammer: Odyssey – Exclusive Interview With Mobile MMORPG Developer
With everyone at home right now the team working on the upcoming Warhammer: Odyssey Mobile MMORPG have taken the time to answer another set of our interview questions. In round 3 of our developer interview James York, co-founder of Virtual Realms, answ…