CLASH Tournaments Shows How to Unlock Everything You’ll Need for Competitive Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Much like its handheld counterpart, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U offers up a wealth of unlockable content that will provide completionists with hours of fun. Finding all the unique moves for character customization, hundreds of trophies, characters, and stages, however, can be taxing for those of us who don’t find joy in jumping through the hoops associated with the unlocking process. Luckily, when it comes to playing the game competitively, all you need to unlock to have a tournament-ready setup for the new title are the characters and the stages.

The entire unlocking process, then, only takes about an hour total. While this can still be a bit of a hassle if you have to unlock all of the content on multiple consoles for an upcoming tournament, the folks at CLASH Tournaments say that this is the fastest Smash game in this area. They also state that this process can likely be sped up to take less than an hour since this was their first speed running attempt.

For all the steps in this process, you can watch the following demonstration or check out the spoiler box below the video, which we’ve taken from the video’s description.

Smash for Wii U Unlock Order
  • Complete All Star mode or 100 Multi Man Smash
  • Use the Gold Hammer gained by this to open the block one up and one left from the bottom right block in the challenges screen,
    Complete event matches in a row moving right, up, right, up.
  • Perform 80 VS matches using Special Smash with Flowers, Stamina, and Fast. It’s easiest to pick Omega Stage each time with Charizard. Make your opponent set to 10 HP, and leave yourself at default.
  • Get one KO in Cruel Multi Man Smash.
  • Break 100 blocks in Trophy Rush with Mr. Game and Watch.

Source: CLASH Tournaments



