Desk Takes On Street Fighter V’s Challenge Mode with One Hand Tied Behind His Back

Generally speaking, watching someone else complete Challenge Mode trials in Street Fighter V doesn’t offer much entertainment. A simple trip to the pause menu can provide a look at any of the combos in action, so having an idea of what to expect before giving each string a shot isn’t an issue, and, let’s face it, most of these combos require little by way of manual dexterity. Rare exceptions aside–looking at you, Karin #6–folks should be able to collect their Fight Money from Challenge Mode without issue.

But that’s Challenge Mode as the game presents it. Leave it to Desk to crank that challenge up a few more notches. Instead of simply performing each of the 10th trials for every character in Street Fighter V, Desk’s newest video shows him pounding out these final combos using only one hand. Since a video of this nature begs the inclusion of proof, Desk has taken the time to embed a hand cam so viewers can see every twist this single wrist makes.

Source: Desk



