Dezmu Takes Little Mac to the Ring in this Episode of Smash 4 Concepts and Combos

Anyone who has put time into online matches for the 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. 4 has likely seen the throngs of Little Mac players itching to land his signature Knock Out Punch for easy kills. In spite of what this may suggest about the boxer, there’s much more packed into those green gloves and that excellent pink jogging suit than may first meet the eye.

As with Dezmu’s previous Mega Man breakdown, his latest tutorial video covers options for approaching the neutral game, the sorts of combos that you should be looking to land as Little Mac and, of course, when to actually go for those KO Punches. Dezmu offers up an interesting option for recovery, too, which involves using Mac’s counter on approach to keep him safe as he makes his way back to the edge. On the opposite side of the coin, Mac’s edge guard tactics are covered as well and look to be quite formidable when in the right hands–or gloves, I guess.

If you’re looking to don those green gloves for the first time or if you’re just looking to incorporate more of Mac’s kit to your game play, this tutorial is a great place to pick up some tactics before stepping through the ropes.

Source: Dezmu



