Gerald Lee explores the psychology of character picks, pop-offs, and taunting in Core-A Gaming’s latest video

Regardless of whether you agree with it or not, taunting can do mental damage to players in a match, and is a legitimate attack strategy. Liquid|NuckleDu and Gllty have both acknowledged its usefulness as a tool. But why can such simple acts such as teabagging play such a powerful role in the game?

Gerald Lee explores this in his latest video with Core-A Gaming. In it, he discusses how it can be used to condition your opponent to feel humiliation–one of the most common fears on the planet. He goes even further into the psychology of the game, discussing how even character selection can influence a person’s emotions. He also talks about how you can condition your opponent can do exactly what you want them to, in order to further benefit you down the line.

This video could help you understand why you win, why you lose, and even how you can improve your chances of the former.

Source: Core-A Gaming




