Killer Instinct Glitch Leaves Kan-Ra’s Opponents All Wrapped Up

Whenever a new character comes out on any game, there’s bound to be some glitches that the development team missed. Such is the case with Killer Instinct’s Kan-Ra, who has an interesting visual bug that leaves his opponents wrapped up in his own bandages, as demonstrated in this video from Diek Stiekem.

In the video, he shows how Shadow Jago can escape Kan-Ra’s command throw by using the invincible frames of his Tiger Fury move. When this happens though, Shadow Jago will still get wrapped up in bandages as if the command throw successfully connected. The glitch doesn’t really do anything to affect the game, and the bandages get removed the next time the command throw successfully connects.

That being said, it’s still pretty cool looking, so check out the video below.

Source: Diek Stiekem



