Learn How to Utilize Persona 4 Arena Ultimax’s Defensive Option Selects

While many regard the airdasher sub-genre as one that focuses mainly on offense over defense, learning to counter what your opponent throws at you is just as important as it is in slower-paced titles.

With Persona 4 Arena Ultimax on the verge of resurgence thanks to the beginning of a brand new tournament season and an impending arcade update, three very helpful members of the community have stepped forward to make entry into the title a bit easier from the defensive side of things.

Starting off, we have an incredibly comprehensive tutorial from Team Spooky’s LordKnight that covers a ton of information, including the various options available to members of the cast, background on the mechanics, ways they can be beat, and much more.

Though a very good starting point when first trying out Persona, there’s much more to learn in the way of defensive option selects. Fortunately, Bace and M’Ellis took the torch and created a sort of sequel to LordKnight’s guide that covers further ground from a more technical standpoint.

In addition to teaching how to pull off these defensive option selects, the two players also discuss how they shape the game’s overall strategy with regards to tier lists, risk vs. reward, and more.

Watch live video from AnneIFrank on Twitch

Sources: LordKnight, M’Ellis



