Make the Most of Ultra Street Fighter IV’s Memory Feature Next Time You Hit the Lab

Ultra Street Fighter IV brought plenty of changes to the then-current build of the game: additional characters, a host of tweaks and bug fixes, and a handful of features that players at all skill levels could enjoy and use to improve. One such feature was the “memory” option that was added to training mode.

While we’ve all certainly made use of the memory feature to aid in learning mixups, combos, or the most stylish means of aerial taunting with Dan, Jay Rego’s newest Quick Tips video suggests that some of us may not be utilizing the feature correctly–or, at least to its fullest potential. Using the memory feature is rather self-explanatory, or so it seems, but it looks like timing that saved game state just right can allow for easier, more realistic setup practice than would otherwise be possible.

Check out the video below and see if this concept could add more polish to your game.

Source: Jay Rego



