MMG|Julio Shows How to Deal with Inevitable EX Messiah Chipouts in Ultra Street Fighter IV

We’ve all been there: barely visible health, no meter to speak of, back to the side of an old temple or the outside of a drive-in on a Friday night with a rock opera-loving dude who has no business in a suit that tight winding up an EX Messiah Kick to send us packing thanks to chip damage. It’s a mouthful, but it happens.

Chipping out an opponent with an EX Messiah isn’t an inherently bad tactic; the move deals great damage through their block and is pretty fast, too. But there are ways around it that might not seem very reasonable when we’re staring death in the face.

This quick clip from Macro Micro Games’ Carolyn Dao shows team member Julio using Yun’s focus attack to absorb the first hit of this physics-defying move before dashing out of the corner to punish the overzealous Rufus. This tactic certainly isn’t going to change the way that we fight against Rufus every time we face off against him, but it may give pause to the Rufus player itching to get the match over with so they can go dive kick someone else.

Source: Carolyn Dao



