Nail Down Cody’s Hammer Hook Overhead in Ultra Street Fighter IV

Cody’s overhead in Ultra Street Fighter IV has some unexpected properties. It’s pretty easy to punish on block, some characters can punish it on hit–under specific circumstances–and it gains an increased amount of frame advantage when it hits against standing opponents. Combine these with the fact that it’s slower than most overheads, hits twice, and has some insane reach, and you’ve got a button that honestly feels unique in a world where overhead normals are rather common.

But what do you do with all of this information? GroundedSF took the time to break down this attack in a quick video that demonstrates all of these properties as well as situations where they’ll come into play. Some of the more important applications involve noting when the move connects with a standing opponent and then following that up with any number of links that lead into high damage. Many of these situations involve (multiple) one-frame links, but most combos out of overheads involve similarly tight execution; Dudley, Ibuki, and Evil Ryu all come to mind.

If you’re thinking that an overhead won’t often connect with a standing opponent for some very obvious reasons, you’d be correct. Do remember, though, that the move hits twice, making it a decently-ranged armor breaking normal that, while slow, will shut down focus attacks and net a counter-hit, allowing for even more damage potential.

For more in-depth Cody technology, check out GroundedSF’s previous video that focuses on the properties of Ruffian Kick and Criminal Upper.

Source: GroundedSF



