Rising Up: Essential Street Fighter V matchup knowledge — Birdie

I think the biggest two factors separating the beginners from intermediate players are having a plan going into a match, and understanding your opponents’ options. Further, I see a lot of players, beginners and experienced players alike, moving incorrectly and losing potential punishes on certain characters. So I’ve decided to try a series of videos where I talk about the essential strengths and weaknesses of each character, and how to play against them. I believe that Street Fighter–and fighting games in general–are dramatically more fun and interesting when both players are playing at a high level, so I want to ensure every player is only losing to their opponent and not to the matchup. My first video is on Birdie, as I think he’s quite commonly played, yet fairly poorly understood.

In this video I talk about Birdie’s anti-air options, anti-fireball options, reversal options, and unsafe attacks. The information I demonstrate here is very important but somewhat rudimentary. I encourage anyone who watches to contribute some of their own anti-Birdie matchup knowledge in the video’s comments section. I have no set order planned to make these videos, and I’ll happily pick my next character based on demand, so I also encourage you to tell me which characters or which special moves give you the most trouble. I’ll prioritize what characters I’ll cover next based on the feedback I get.

Remember to subscribe to the channel for more entries in this series, and others.




