Sakura Taunt-Based Safe Jump Can Help Stylishly Bait Reversals in Ultra Street Fighter IV

As we’ve seen recently, Ultra Street Fighter IV taunts sometimes have more applications than just provoking opponents into acting without thinking. It seems that Sakura can now count herself among those with additional applications of taunt thanks to this safe jump trick from BGCallisto.

Pick your favorite taunt–it seems to work with all of them–and hit the battlefield ready to bait some reversals like never before! On top of being a wonderfully reliable safe jump, this setup, which follows a two-hit Sakura Otoshi, uses a taunt to space out the frames before hitting the skies. Once the taunt moves to jump-cancelable frames, Sakura can hop in and keep up the pressure.

Until this circulates more, there’s a good chance that opponents won’t expect this jump to actually be safe. Also, since taunts sometimes draw out aggressive tendencies, you can be ready to punish those reversals.

Source: BGCallisto



