Smash and Grab Tackles Corrin in Newest Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Tutorial

The folks at Smash and Grab released their latest Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tutorial earlier today. This new collection of footage highlights the abilities and strategic options of Corrin, one of the game’s final two downloadable characters.

True, Corrin released quite a while ago, but Smash and Grab produce tutorials that are quite a bit more than a simple list of how-to-play instructions. If you’ve seen their previous guides, you know that they draw inspiration from the highlighted character’s game (or series) of origin to create content that is both informative and entertaining.

If you’re looking to pick up ways to apply every move in Corrin’s arsenal and have a good time doing it, you’ll not want to miss this video.

Source: Smash and Grab



