Street Fighter V Roundup – sako’s Chun-Li Tech, Super Cancels, and Combos Galore

Last Friday, HORI|sako guest starred on MCZ|Daigo Umehara’s stream, and surprised no one with his stylish Chun-Li play. Thanks to his incredible execution, sako was able to demonstrate some combos and general execution tips–well, tips may be a bit much, but input tracking was turned on in training mode–you may not have seen prior to his appearance.

Both Bafael and Sebasian Rikk pulled data from the stream and put it into short clips to help others. The former’s footage focuses on Sako’s instant-air legs input method and other strategies, while the latter’s features stylish combos utilizing the technique.

So early in the life of the game, we’re all running into tactics we don’t know how to deal with just yet. If M. Bison’s scissor kick has you feeling the pressure, this second video from Bafael may offer you the breathing room you need. While the advice works best for those characters with fast invulnerable attacks, some of it does apply across the cast.

And finally, Bafael shows that R. Mika’s crouching roundhouse is thrown-invulnerable, making even Zangief and Laura’s Critical Arts and command throws whiff.

SpabRog continues his crusade against V-Reversals in this next clip dedicated to Zangief.

This next short video, from jmcrofts, offers a look at an easy way to perform super cancels in Street Fighter V. While players who have been around for a while likely figured this out the first time they stepped into The Grid, those new to the series will likely find it helpful.

And what would a roundup be without a handful of combo videos? The demonstrations below–provided by Persona, ON|Dark Chaotix, and Adriano Lopes–highlight Ryu, Vega, and R. Mika.

In closing, ShinKensou put together a rather thorough video for Cammy’s various mixup options. These cover the multiple recoveries characters can use once they’ve been put on their backs, so dive in to increase your general Cammy knowledge.

If you’ve got something of your own to show off, drop us a line! Your video may be included in our next Street Fighter V community roundup!

Sources: Bafael, Sebastian Rikk, SpabRog, jmcrofts, Persona, Dark Chaotix, Adriano Lopes, ShinKensou



