Suit up and prepare for combat with these quick and dirty Gundam Versus tips, courtesy of UnlimitedBrettWorks

With the release of Gundam Versus, many players will be jumping into the series for the very first time — completely unaware of how to play this fast-paced arena fighter. Hoping to get new pilots up to speed with the basics of Gundam Versus, UnlimitedBrettWorks has released a helpful primer which lists 15 things rookies should know before going online.

These tips including picking a beginner-friendly suit, learning how to Boost Hop and Boost Dash Cancel, as well as when to activate your Burst. Learning how to move effectively is key to doing well in Gundam Versus, so I would focus on mastering the Boost Hop and Boost Dash Cancels before anything else.

This video is a very basic guide for newcomers — UnlimitedBrettWorks has an extensive tutorial series planned to help greenhorn pilots become Mobile Suit masters, so stay tuned for more. Also keep an eye out for our Gundam Versus review, coming very soon.

Source: UnlimitedBrettWorks




