Trouble in the Russian Skies? EX Borscht Dynamite Glitch and More in This Zangief Street Fighter V Mini-Roundup

More Muscle Power for you!

Urien’s the sexy new man on the roster, but Zangief has been going shirtless in Street Fighter V since the beta! How about we catch up with the Red Cyclone a bit? Here’s some tips that both beginners and more advanced Zangief players might find useful.

Firstly, as some Zangief mains may already be aware, there seems to be a bit of a glitch with Zangief’s EX Borscht Dynamite–the aerial SPD. Because of the EX version’s strike-type hitbox, it trades when met with a simultaneous strike–as opposed to the regular version, where the grab will succeed in the same frames. TGL GiefKid breaks this unusual property down in the video below:

This aspect of Zangief’s EX Borscht Dynamite was actually brought up by GiefKid back in July, a fact that he has gently teased SRK about for not reporting sooner, while he calls for it to be patched out.

While you watch out for that, don’t stop working on your combos! Check out these meaty Cyclone Lariat combos from Rafalibe Makoto, some leading into the aforementioned EX Borscht Dynamite, or closing with a Critical Art:

On the more strategic side: Mr. Slay N Man offers this “Lazy Lesson,” discussing ways to build some extra meter while playing Zangief:

Sources: TGL GiefKid; Rafalibe Makoto; Mr. Slay N Man



