Turn on the jets with this Captain Falcon combo guide from MySmashCorner

The character used by For Glory players everywhere, Captain Falcon is known for his blinding speed, flashy playstyle, and ability to wipe out stocks in a blink of an eye — as long as you don’t kill yourself. To help struggling Falcon players better optimize their character, MySmashCorner has dedicated his latest combo and neutral guide to the spandex-wearing racing driver.

MySmashCorner has also interviewed YP|Fatality to get his thoughts on Captain Falcon. Along with discussing the character’s strengths and weaknesses, the world’s best Falcon outlines some good stages to counter-pick to, as well as his best and worst matchups. While Captain Falcon has a decent matchup spread, Fatality recommends that you either main the character, or don’t play him at all. It’s solo or bust.

Source: MySmashCorner




