Ultra Street Fighter IV Ode to Skill Video Focuses on the Many Characters of RnK|Lucius

Rush and Kill Clan released yet another Ultra Street Fighter IV exhibition earlier today, this time focusing on team member Lucius. The Ode to Skill highlight reel features skillful use of Juri, C. Viper, Akuma, Seth, and Decapre. By just looking at that list of characters, you should know to what to expect: truly explosive damage output.

Each character gets a good deal of time in the spotlight as Lucius demonstrates their corner dominance and full mid-match combo potential. You’ll see an alarming amount of corner cross-unders, some incredibly high-execution combos, and a few Decapre mix-ups that will leave your head spinning.

Of course, no highlight reel would be complete without a little humor, and Seth scoring a stun after multiple successful head stomps definitely fits the bill.

Source: RnK Clan



