Ultra Street Fighter IV Omega Mode Roundup feat. Filipino Champ’s Day One Seth Combos, M. Bison Scissor Kick Loops, and More

Yesterday, we showcased the first round of community-made Ultra Street Fighter IV Omega Mode videos, and they were every bit as exciting as we could have hoped. Now that everyone has had a full day with the new mode, we’re starting to see entire combo videos dedicated to single characters. The word of the day seems to be “loops,” so be on the look out for that.

First up, we’ve got a collection of Guy combos from Clayton Chapman, a regular on the SRK forums. The strings make use of a vast amount of the ninja’s new tools and push the limits of his looping potential all while maintaining a level of class that only a master of the Bushinryu can.

Yesterday, we featured a clip that showed AVM|Gamerbee examining the intricacies of Adon’s changes in Omega and today we’ve got another pro player showing off some new tricks. Filipino Champ took Seth to the lab and found that the way his EX Sonic Boom functions allows for all sorts of crazy things to take place–mid-combo jumps, for example. I honestly never thought that I’d see something quite like this in the Street Fighter IV engine, but it’s Omega Mode so anything can happen.

Alright, the next set of combos are brutal. Seriously. It doesn’t even matter how much damage they do (it’s a lot). Everyone got some new animation love in this update, but Oni has some of the most bone-crushing specials that the property has ever seen, and Burnout Fighter does a masterful job of stringing them together in a fashion that accents that quality.

It’s no secret that Dudley’s non-Omega iteration has some of the most absurd juggle potential in the game; anyone who has ever watched PIE|Smug play can probably agree on that point. But Omega opened up all sorts of new options for the gentleman boxer–options that look like they could end at any moment once they get going, but instead continue to drag on until the damage numbers soar into the hundreds. Some of them even break the 600 damage barrier. No big deal. Good thing he’s wearing the gloves.

In the next video, Satwid3n shows off Rufus’ newly-increased gravitational pull tied to the Omega version of Galactic Tornado. The suction on this move borders on ridiculous and it allows him to keep combos going long after they should have stopped. There’s also something majestic about the way a ground-based Snake Strike looks. It reminds me of the first time that I saw the fast-talking fighter soar through the sky with his dive kick. It defied logic, but boy was it ever magnificent.

CharmingRogue takes control of Cammy in the next clip to demonstrate some interesting new juggles she’s received in Omega Mode. It seems that her jumping strong can follow her new Killer Bee Stinger special, and the resulting juggle allows all sorts of options to follow including, but certainly not limited to, her Ultra 1.

M. Bison received some interesting additions in Omega Mode, which mickdo8640 explores in this next bit of footage. It seems that the dictator is now capable of performing Scissor Kick loops of multiple varieties and has also been equipped with a command overhead, which allows for follow-up attacks. This version of Bison’s mix-up game is a lot deeper than cross-up Psycho Crushers shenanigans.

Grab your shades, it’s time for some Sonic Booms! Wade Sikander sent in this quick collection of Guile combos that make use of the fighter’s newly-added mechanics. Many of the initial combos look pretty tame, or at least similar to some of the things that we already see from the Flash Kicker, but that all gets thrown aside by the halfway point in the video when multiple Sonic Booms come out to play.

Yesterday, CLxJames sent in a quick video that demonstrated Akuma’s added ability to combo into his Raging Demon super, allowing for the dreaded move to be a larger threat than ever before. Now that he has had a day to mess with the concept, we’ve been sent another video that further explores the different methods of getting to the sweet, sweet damage. Simple cancels from a close fierce work just fine, but longer strings that end with a Shoryuken and then a super? That’s just crazy…but it works.

What kinds of insane stuff have you found in Omega Mode? Send us your videos through our tip line!

Sources: Clayton Chapman, FilipinoChamp, Burnout Fighter, Rhuel47Satwid3n, CharmingRogue, mickdo8640, Wade SikanderCLxJames



