Ultra Street Fighter IV Tournament and Casuals Footage from the United Arab Emirates feat. Latif, FA|Big Bird, and More

Street Fighter is popular across the globe, and the Middle East is certainly no exception. Last month, video game convention GAMES14 hosted the 4th Capcom Gulf Championships in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. If you missed out on the tournament, Frametrap recently put together a playlist of the top eight matches, which featured some great play from their talented local players.

And if you’re craving more Ultra Street Fighter IV action from the UAE, check out this first-to-ten footage from the capital city of Abu Dhabi that pits Latfi’s C. Viper against Guy master Big Bird of Falcon Arena. The match begins at 1:36:30, but you can find other casuals footage before and after.

Watch live video from TheMajlis on Twitch

Sources: Frametrap, TheMajlis



