Ultra Street Fighter IV’s Poison Gains Powerful Anti-Air Option with Focus Attack Application

Poison has been striking fear into her opponents through the sheer power of her fireball game in Ultra Street Fighter IV for months. They’re great for pressure, they’re great at all distances, they’re just so good. About the only thing that they can’t do is offer a reliable combo option when used as an anti-air. Until now, that is.

Thanks to this technique from Mono, Poison’s fireballs are now scarier than ever. Before the application of this strategy, if Poison were to block a jump-in after letting loose a fireball, her opponent would land on the projectile and she would recover from blockstun just in time to whiff a host of options. There are some situations where Poison can score some follow-up hits after blocking in such a fashion, but they’re inconsistent at best.

Mono has discovered that if Poison can block after chucking some plasma, she can just as easily focus attack. This leads to an interesting option that can turn a simple anti-air fireball into a highly damaging, match-changing moment.

Source: Mono



