Winner Stays On Showcases Guile Play in Street Fighter V

Guile has been the topic of much discussion lately, and while we’ve already seen a fair share of information surrounding the the upcoming character, there’s still much left to learn before we finally get to take him into battle ourselves. Yesterday, the folks at Winner Stays On ran a special stream to highlight the returning fighter and give viewers a better idea of what he’s capable of.

At the beginning of the stream, which you can find embedded below, Logan Sama and Matt Edwards spend some time breaking down all of Guiles moves. These include a host of command normals, some target combos, his stationary projectile and plenty more.

Of course, those basics pave the way for loads of matches featuring the new character. If you’re hungry for Street Fighter V Guile gameplay footage, you’ll definitely want to check it out.

Source: Capcom Fighters



