Zissou Breaks Down Doctor Doom’s Best Happy Birthday Options in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Doctor Doom isn’t the best character for dishing out team-shattering damage through Happy Birthday combos in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3. When his opponents mistime assists, there’s less need to worry, as many of the Latverian’s tools only hit a single target. There are, however, some ways that the dictator can, through some extra effort, make people think twice about throwing out risky assists.

Below, you’ll find a video from Zissou that demonstrates some mid-screen options that Doom has when he finds himself in this sort of situation. These combos combine many of the tools that he brings to other combos, like his fantastic jumping medium, Plasma Beam special, and jumping heavy.

Fortunately, as Zissou demonstrates, a quickly-executed standard corner combo can still do the trick, so Foot Dives aren’t entirely out of the question, but they won’t do much good outside of the corner.

Source: Zissou



