Duct Tape Productions will explore the past and future of Project M in Rewrite, coming in 2018

While it may have vanished from major Twitch streams, Project M is very much alive and kicking. With an active Championship Circuit and players continuing to push the game to its limit, this storied fan mod of Brawl shows no signs of fading into obscurity.

Hoping to follow in the footsteps of other landmark documentaries about the Smash community, Duct Tape Productions is planning to explore “the sordid history” of Project M in Rewrite, a film coming in 2018. From its humble beginnings to its rise in popularity, subsequent fall from grace, and now its rebirth, this documentary hopes to literally rewrite the Project M history book and tell the truth from the players and people who were there.

If Duct Tape Productions are able to meet some specific stretch goals on their GoFundMe, they plan to release some smaller films about Supernova — the tournament that sparked Project M’s renaissance — and the Wolf player Switch who is widely considered the Mango of Project M. There is also the possibility of a special Rewrite build of PM, complete with custom music and artwork.

Source: Duct Tape Productions



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