LI Joe shares his E3 demo impressions of Dragon Ball FighterZ with Cross Counter TV

Rarely has a fighting game with as little build-up to E3 as Dragon Ball FighterZ wowed the the floor (and the world!) so thoroughly. The more cynical among us might think this is because of the nostalgia factor — Arc System Works has married Dragon Ball’s art style beautifully with their Guilty Gear Xrd cell shading. Visuals are all well and good, but we’re FGC. What about the game play?

That’s why I find Joe “LI Joe” Ciaramelli’s first impression of the game so interesting. Joe is a renowned Street Fighter tournament specialist who didn’t grow up with the anime adaptation of Drgaon Ball Z. He is exactly the sort of person most likely to shrug at a cut-scene of two Super Saiyans screaming at each other — and yet, here we are: like nearly everyone else that got to play the game, Joe walked away impressed with the gameplay. He has some concerns about the similarity of gameplay of the six currently-available characters, but also notes: “It’s a tech demo at E3 … If it fleshes out, I think it’ll be a damn good game.”

Source: Cross Counter TV



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