2GGaming announce 2GGC: Nairo Saga as the Summer season finale for the 2GG Championship Series

With the conclusion of the spring season of the 2GG Championship Series for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, 2GGaming have announced summer’s season finale. Titled Nairo Saga, this event will see the world’s greatest Zero Suit Samus player fighting to see if he can defeat the Saga Curse and earn a spot at the 2GG Championships at the end of this year.

This event will be held at the usual venue: the Esports Arena in Santa Ana, California from June 10th to 11th. As with other 2GGC Sagas, top 8 placers at this event will gain circuit points to go to an eventual spot at the Championships at the end of 2017. As it currently stands, RNG|Dabuz is at the top of the table following his victory at Civil War, with TSM|ZeRo in second and FS|Fatality in third. For more information on upcoming Sagas, check out the 2GGC smash.gg page.

To chart their player’s path to his Saga, NRG Esports has also released a short trailer which chronicles Nairo’s rise to prominence in the Smash community. From his early days back in Brawl to his recent successes, the video shows clips of big moments of Nairo’s career, along with words from the man himself.

Sources: 2GGaming; smash.gg; NRG Esports



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