SNK is providing full support, including prize pool bonuses, to Frosty Fausting XI’s The King of Fighters XIV tournament

SNK continues to provide support to tournaments running their games. The latest tournament to get such support is January’s upcoming Frosty Faustings.

The King of Fighters XIV tournament at Frosty Faustings will receive a $500 pot bonus from SNK; combined with contributions from others, this brings to total prize pool bonuses for KOFXIV to $900. In addition to the prize pool bonus, SNK will also be providing exclusive SNK and KOF merchanise to the finalists of the tournament.

Frosty Faustings XI takes place this coming January 18 to 19, 2019 at the Clarion Inn & Waterford Conference Center in Elmhurst, IL.

Source: Frosty Faustings




