BornFree interviews Infiltration, talks about Street Fighter V balance and physical well-being

BornFree continues his series of interviews from NorCal Regionals 2018. We get to spend some quality-camera time with one of the most famous personalities in Street Fighter V, the Korean pro player Infiltration. Having recently joined Panda Global, he has once again sprung onto the world stage, especially because of his latest triumph at Final Round 2018.

The extended interview (conducted before the latest SFV patch landed) covers why PG|Infiltration decided to go with Menat. He mentions how her toolset is a unique asset in the game, and that she plays a little outside the lines. However, he notes that the character still has some bad match-ups and needs someone to cover those, so that’s why he still plays Juri, his favorite character. He extensively talks about character balance in the game — mentioning Sagat, Ed, and Abigail.

Unrelated to the game, Infiltration also talks a lot about staying fit and working out, to be a more appealing esports figure. He both wants to attract more female players to the genre, as well as be mentally and physically strong to handle the challenges as they come.

For more on the player, check out a recent Infiltration Q&A session.

Source: BornFree



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