In his series of video interviews with top and up-and-coming competitors, BornFree sat down with UYU|Cloud805. The conversation took place at NorCal Regionals 2018, and touches on the player’s past in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, and future with Dragon Ball FighterZ.
Cloud805 triumphed at the Battle for the Stones event, but that’s not his favorite moment in Marvel vs. Capcom — rather, it was beating FChamp at Evolution 2013 in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and making top 8. After some talk about his background in gaming, the conversation switches to DBFZ. Cloud805’s team is Kid Buu, Adult Gohan, and Goku Black because he feels his personality and style show in them. He has pretty strong feelings about Adult Gohan and Android 16, which he goes into about the 14:30 mark.
Check out the full interview below:
BornFree also recently sat down with PR_Balrog.
Source: BornFree