BornFree talks with Evo Champion Chris G, talks Dragon Ball FighterZ teams and competitive future

“I grew most of the Dragon Ball games, growing up,” Evo Champion Chris G opens his interview with BornFree in the same way any other person probably would when describing the first time he saw Dragon Ball FighterZ. “When I saw the way that (DBFZ) played and saw how similar it was to Marvel 3, I said, ‘Yeah, okay, I’m in.’”

Even though he has his gripes (“Games take way too long because of Super Dashes and Tagging…”he says, waving his his hands.), Chris G gushes and details his love for DBFZ. “It’s one patch away from being the perfect game.” It’s not all love and tech talk in the latest episode of BornFree‘s excellent interview series, though — the pair talk also delve into the underworld of esports, and wonder if the FGC can ever actually be apart of that umbrella term.

Source: BornFree



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