Brainiac lays waste to the competition in his Injustice 2 intro trailer

Teased in the final Shattered Alliances trailer, NetherRealm Studios have finally shown off how main villain Brainiac plays in Injustice 2. A master of the mid-range, Brainiac uses his mechanical tentacles and stolen Kryptonian technology to wear down his opponents and steal victory. Based on his sheer number of tentacle based attacks, you’d think Brainiac had been going to Doctor Octopus for his combat training.

In what could be his character trait, Brainiac summons a miniature version of his flagship to sail across the screen. It can be commanded to fly across the middle or top of the screen, with it dropping an energy bomb as it closes in on its opponent. In the trailer, we see Brainiac use this bomb to cover his approach, with him using his tentacles to swing from the top of the screen and close the distance between him and Superman. Combined with his divekick and tentacle-boosted shoulder barge, Brainiac’s mobility is pretty solid.

They aren’t just used for attack though. Brainiac can surround himself with his tentacles, electrifying them and stunning any attacking opponent. He can also make these electrified tentacles sprout from his back, for continuing a combo or blocking a jump-in. If you need some heavy ordnance though, Brainiac can also summon an orbital laser to juggle opponents, allowing him to start a combo. Brainiac is definitely a fan of the laser strike from orbit, as his super has him ordering his bio-drones to hold an enemy in place, while he blasts them with a giant blue laser from his flagship.

Source: Injustice



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