Capcom Continues to Improve Street Fighter V’s Poor Online Experience

Street Fighter V’s launch was less than optimal, but Capcom have provided constant attention and updates concerning their efforts to improve it. One such update dropped yesterday, detailing the steps the developers have taken towards correcting things like matchmaking and battle lounges, and today they’ve returned with another progress report.

“As many of you know, there were some issues with the Street Fighter V servers but we’re happy to report that the majority of those issues have now been resolved,” Capcom’s Neidel “Haunts” Crisan explained. “That said, we know there is still a lot left to optimize and not everyone’s experience has been the same so I’ll be checking in each day here to give everyone an update on how things are progressing.”

So far, matchmaking should be working properly, and battle lounges are on their way to functioning as intended. That said, there are still a few lingering bugs concerning match result recording and replay searching, so stay tuned for further updates.

Have you noticed your online experiences with Street Fighter V improving since launch? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Capcom-Unity




