Click Here to Meet Guilty Gear and BlazBlue Players in Your Area!

One of the quickest ways for a game to “die” in our community is for players to be unable to find local competition. Without other like-minded folks nearby to run casuals with and decent-at-best netcode outside of Japan, the drive to learn and improve can falter pretty quickly even for the most diehard

Over the years, forums have served as a fantastic way to find local players, but with the community’s shift from messageboards to social media, it’s once again become pretty difficult to connect with the people around you. Fortunately, resources like IPLAYWINNER’s fighting game community database have cropped up recently to help out, and two members of the airdasher community took the baton just this week to meet the needs of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue players.

With over 100 unique entries in each, these new spreadsheets (curated by ChosenNinja and MashThat5A, respectively) have gathered together a wide assortment of players from across the United States as well as countries like Brazil, Peru, Mexico, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, and more. While not as focused on offline meet-ups as the aforementioned IPLAYWINNER database, these lists should certainly help you find competitors nearby and alleviate the woes of online play.

Below, you’ll find links to both the submission form and the full player base for both games. Don’t miss out on finding your next training partner!

Sources: ChosenNinja, MashThat5A




