Community Pulls Together to Compile Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Changes, Directional Influence Possibly Reinstated


The folks at Smash Boards have called for help from the Smash community to find all of the changes to the that went live when the 3DS title switched over to version 1.0.4 on November 18. This change log includes buffs and nerfs to over thirty characters, as well as sweeping system changes that have major implications in each and every match played.

Among the most prominent changes is the supposed removal of vectoring in favor of directional influence, a gameplay mechanic seen in previous titles that allows players to affect their own trajectory after being knocked away by an attack. This change effectively makes Super Smash Bros, for 3DS feel more like past entries in the series, which is probably for the best.

As this list is constantly evolving through the tedious process of side-by-side comparisons of the two versions of the game, we’ve not included a change log in this post. The organic nature of this type of community effort could render any details that we chose to pick out irrelevant in the near future, so if you’d like to check out the full, evolving list for yourself, head over to Smash Boards.

Please keep in mind that this list pertains only to ver.1.0.4 of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, and other changes may have been implemented in the release of its Wii U counterpart.

Source: Smash Boards




